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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

93 Days and a Wake up......

I think you will enjoy this clip:

There are many things transorming and changing.  I will keep you up top date.  Just a lull in the life force.  We all have them.  In work, in relationships, in liife.  Just stay tuned.  I feel an epiphany on the horizon.

Here's another decent one.

Here is another:!v=ArO22tMA7gg&feature=related

Monday, May 24, 2010

95 And A Wake Up.......

Well, we did an inventory of what we have so far and packed it in a large wooden box so that we will be somewhat ready when the time comes. 

This is what we have:

1st Aid Kit
6 5 gallon water jugs
2 camelbacks
Large Tarp
CAmi netting
Toilet paper

Now my best freind, Mattt Roberts, is supposed to be sending me some extra supplies and I can't tell you how much that means to me.  Another short entry ,but here it is.Laters......