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Friday, September 10, 2010

DAMN! Over alREADY!!!

WEll. I posted some pics on facebook. .Got my Playa name, Yobi Bear, and had the time of my life!  Youldn't miss again for THE WORLD!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

18 and a Wake Up......

Thought I would Give you some pics to ponder.....

The Ruins on Our Lives

Ride that ant Son!

Doldrant Days

May I Stand On Your Head?

We All Have A Wall

Life's Passages

Leaping Through The Ruins of Life

Chaco Canyon.  Amazing!

It's ALL about the BUBBLES MAN!

Big Red Himself, Himself!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

21 Days and a Wake Up....

Hope is Dashed

None of he music,
None of the soul,
None of the reality,
Just a Great Big Hole,

The only thing to late to start, is never and I've gotten REALLY good at never.

The Age

The Ghost of Old Age,
Talking to the Youth of My Days,
All about the turning of page,
And all my changing of ways.

When it boils down,
The grease will fly,
And sink into my frown,
All the reasons why.

The searching never ends,
Feet falter on the steps,
The mind lost in the Bends,
Lying on the Alter of Princeps.

Lost, lost ,lost.  In the end, never found.  Found, found, found, from the beginning always bound.


Ah, Burning of the Man! 
May the sparkes never land!
The hopes of the desperate make,
A funural pyre and it's wake.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

93 Days and a Wake up......

I think you will enjoy this clip:

There are many things transorming and changing.  I will keep you up top date.  Just a lull in the life force.  We all have them.  In work, in relationships, in liife.  Just stay tuned.  I feel an epiphany on the horizon.

Here's another decent one.

Here is another:!v=ArO22tMA7gg&feature=related

Monday, May 24, 2010

95 And A Wake Up.......

Well, we did an inventory of what we have so far and packed it in a large wooden box so that we will be somewhat ready when the time comes. 

This is what we have:

1st Aid Kit
6 5 gallon water jugs
2 camelbacks
Large Tarp
CAmi netting
Toilet paper

Now my best freind, Mattt Roberts, is supposed to be sending me some extra supplies and I can't tell you how much that means to me.  Another short entry ,but here it is.Laters......

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

100 And A Wake Up........

So much time from now till then and yet so little.  I know the months are going to float by, but I still have to have my eldest son with me for the summer which doesn't happen till the end of June till Mid Aug before I go and that's a long time. 

Funny how time speeds up as you get older.  My theory is that is speeds up because you have experienced more time.  The more you experience, the more you can "space off" for a lack of a better phrasing.

Well, we are in a lull in our planning and art work.  Although Brandy and I have practiced quite a bit of music together.  I think we will at least have 5 or 6 songs ready for when we finally go.

Well what do we do in this instance?  What do we write?  My wife has produced several files of writing of mine from when I was younger.  My writing was terrible!  Should I try to recast the writings in this blog?  Should I attempt to make them mature?  We'll see....

In the meantime..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

104 And A Wake Up.....

Where have I been?  Man!  I feel weird!  Especially since I'm not in Austin.  ; )  Can't leave this empty.  Gotta keep typing. 

Brandy and I spent several hours practicing an Incubus song, "More Than Words".  I think we mad e some good progress. 

I got Brandy her Mother's Day and Birhtday gift.  She has been asking for a camcorder forever.  Not fancy, but I got her one.  Man!  My tummy feels funny!!  Ech!  We also got the cami-netting, the 2nd camelback, the 1st aid kit, some moonbeams and a tarp.

This is worth a watch.  Keep an eye on this kid.  Like THOSE words haven't been spoken thousands of times before!!!v=73zj6ETDy5I&feature=related

Sunday, May 9, 2010

113 And A Wake Up......

U shouls read this:

It's a not so flattering article about Burning Man from 1999, but I didn't want people to think I was not looking at all points of view.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

115 aND A wAKE uP..........

I have sin in my heart.  
That comes from fear. 
Fear has consumed me
And driven me mad. 
Materialism is life
For America

A steady job,
Is my great reward.
What of my hopes?
What of my dreams?
What of my Family?
Is it what it seems?

To err is human,
But that leaf has grown,
Into a forest,
Of heartaches unknown.
Where do I purchase,
My personal home?

Where are the friends?
Where are the lights?
Where are the butterflies,
That start the night?
How did this come?
Where do I go?
My time has come,
It's time to go.

My brother has heard me if I tell him.  This is our perception of a dream gone by.  One day we will wake to fall asleep again, but in the end, we cannot imagine, the game we've been in.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

116 And a Wake Up.......

Here we are.  The Axis has moved against me and is actively seeking my ouster.  The diffu\icult part is the one seeking my ouster is my neighbor.  How do you love your neighbor when they smile to your face and stab you in the back?

What do you do when they swear that they will talk to you face to face if they ever have any issues, but go behind your back and over your head and try to find things to get you in trouble?

What will be, will be. He knows what's coming, not me.  Best to leave things in His hands.

Greg had unexpected expenses and cannot finish unitl NEXT Tuesday, but that happens to everybody and he's commit $600 non-refundable to the purchase of the scooter and the tickets have been bought so I guess that we really have time to spare.  Need to close the gap tho.  I haven't been smoking much for the last week and 1/2.  Perhaps 10 cigarrets (mostly 1/2's) all told.  I want it to stick.  The beer is really nice and relaxin\g though when I can keep it to 3 or less.


Monday, May 3, 2010

117 And A Wake Up....

Dear Lord!  This is a job!  I want to write more, but I gotta go to bed, cause I gotta work & I have to spend time with the family.  Thank GOD for Burning Man!  How else will we get a break??

Stay tuned.  Laters!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

119 And A Wake Up.....

Whew! A Lot going on.  We got a camelback today.  That's a portable water jug you wear like a backpack.  Holds about a gallons of water.  We also got a military pup tent and priced some other items.  Sorry.  Still been recovering, so I expect to be back into full swing in the next day or so.  Been sleeping a LOT.  Laters!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

123 And A Wake Up.....

Feeling a ton better today.  As can be expected, the unexpected happened to the gentleman buying my scooter and we will have to wait to finishing selling the scooter till next Tues.  We'll get the supplies all at once. per the list in the previous blog.

Worked on another gourd.  It's fun making these things.  We should get some florescent paint to go crazy on the gourds and some different size dremmil bots to vary the designs up.  We are stamping each one "Burning Man '10" for people to keep as momentoes. 

Perhap a little thoughtfulness?\:

This Momen'ts Coming  (blues song)

I feel it flutter,
She spreads her wings.

Tired of tha' gutter,
On to better things.

Only a moment,
All that it waits.

Its time to foment,
All tha "to lates".

When she fly
All to far gone.

After all tha tryin',
All, All, All, gone wrong.

Don't let it,
Fly, fly fly,
Away Baby.

Comin on to strong.

U gotta woo,
With words.

U gotta xplain
In your verse.

U gotta spin,
That woman round.

U gotta show,
Show,show SHOW,
It in tha works.

When u ain't,
Got it,
Tha purse.

U gotta,
U gotta,

Play it boys...

It don't matter,
iIt's a hard life,
IOt don't matter,

It's a life,
Been rife,

With Heartache and Pain.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

127 & 126 and A Wake Up.......

Well, surgery is over.  Not the best time, having a mouth full of blood all day.  Definately let's you know your alive.  Although there are better ways I can think of spending my Friday afternnon and the ensuing weekend.

Check this site out:

And this video, if I haven't already linked it:

This is where you want to go if you don't want to have to mess with luggin TONS of one use glow sticks that you will have to track of and lug out again.

Yes, I will be a man of few words for the next few days.  Literally.  Figuratively.  Will give you ton's on info when I recover.  Laters!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

128 And a Wake Up.......

Short and Sweet.  Brandy worked with her dremmil on a gourd.  I was high on pain killers all day at work.  Makes it hard to work in my line of work.  Have oral surgery at noon tomorrow.    Laters!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

129 And a Wake Up.....

Funny, my math was off.  My case in point for majoring in history and minoring in anthropology and sociology.

We sent off for our tickets today.  Today the trip is REAL.  It will be even better when the tickets ARE IN HAND! : )  Been short laetly on my blogs.  Been in pain and/or doped up till my oral surgery this Fri. FIVE TEETH he his pulling.  OMG.  If I could feint, I would.  Seriously scared oif anjything oral done in my mouth.

At least Brandy has gotten excited and is plotting and planning things.  After I heal from the surgery, there will be a lot more detail.  Plus, Brandy is giving me crap about doing my blog so late.  Not sure when else I'm supposed to.  Oh well, happy wife, happy life.  Or so they say.  Sorry 'bout that. Laters!! 

Monday, April 19, 2010

141 and a Wake Up....

Tomorrow we buy our tickets!!!!

Otherwise, the wifey has commanded that I go to bed with her now, so.....laters!!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

142 And A Wake Up......

This one is a bit more personal.  Never been a Burner before so I can't rightly say that this is a Burner entry.  I have done some thinking.  A sometimes dangerous occupation in life, I know.

I'm right where I need to be.  Doing just what I need to be doing and learning what I need to learn.  God is all-knowing an knows my heart better than anyone.  He knows how to make me what He wants better than anyone.  He gives me chance after chance.  He drives me before Him.  Knowing that I will fall into the path He set out once I've learned what He wants me to learn.  All I have to do is listen. 

Hardest thing on the earth for me.  Listening.  I'm not very good at it.  I'm to busy being distracted.  Listening to my own thoughts.  When I do that I do not relax.  I project things I don't mean to.  The people around me and my family pick-up on things I don't mean to say.  While I quietly reassure myself that "they know better".  The only way they will know better is if I show them.  I need to do what needs doing and stop thinking about it.  He has trained me enough to know how to do it and in what ways. 

Time to take the training.  Time to let it sink in and stick.  I'm like a child who refuses to grow up, but wants to be treated like a grown up at the same time.  Can't have it both ways.  I know how to put on my shoes.  I need to stop asking God to do it for me.  Life is what we let God make of it.  Life is only worth living when we do that.  God's understanding is beyond ours and His plan is greater than ours.  There's only been one man who walked His path the right way and we killed him for it.  Now, thousands of years later, we act like we know who he was and what God was saying to us through Him.  Best to just get close to God and not let go.  That's what he was ultimately telling us.  Get close and don't let go.  He will tell us what He wants.  We will know what the right things to do are if we do.  At home, at work, and in the world.

He's giving me a leg up with this surgery.  My own private catharsis just to get past some bad habits and grow.  I'll make sure I don't let go of the life rope this time.  It's to lonely out here otherwise.  Thanks God.  Thank you Brandy.  Thank you Mom and everyone else who puts up with me.  May God put me to good use in life doing His will in the way that He fashioned me to.  He made me specific for the job.  I better listen.  I better be myself for Him.  I better let Him be himself through me.  Good night and Laters!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Oh and check this out:!v=v3w-O0PHX9k&feature=related!v=0oCWE7AxrUU&feature=related!v=mL7X6eNtRBU&feature=related!v=I4NF8JPXtnU&feature=related

143 And A Wake Up.......

So I'm mainly talking to myself.  What's the harm in that?  I have figured out one of the main reasons why I feel driven to Buring Man.  It's because I'm in search of my People. 

I have always felt out of place.  My friends, many, but fleeting and few lasting.  In this large counrty of 300 million people, I can believe that there are only about 50,000 People like me out there and that they got so fed up with society that they decided to have a gathering.

How do I know they are my Poeple?  I don't.  I'll have to go to figure that out.  When I was in college I gathered around me some "followers" that I thought were my People.  I named it "The Freebird Society".  The idea was that we could be ourselves without any pretense.  Of course we cmoked a lot and listened to celtic and jamiacan music.  Some of those afternoons were the best ever.  I recall a time once where it was my birthday and I was getting a beer out of the fridge and in the background I could hear at least 15 different People talking from all kinds of different backgrounds and they were laughing and saying how it was the best party ever.  I thought to myself, "It is the best ever."  It doesn't get better than People being themselves to each other in safety and comradship.

Who are "my People"?  Just that.  People you are safe around.  People you can be like when you are around family.

Today Brandy finally read the survival guide and she has a better understanding of what we need to do to prepare for Burning Man.  I traded some Marine Corps Institute Training manuals for a khaki, digital training bush cap.  I priced some cami-netting for shade, and  got closer to my sons.  Nuff said.   Laters!

Friday, April 16, 2010

144 And a Wake Up.....

Wow!  Sometimes the bloggin thing isn't just the simple thing you would think it would be.  Sometimes, it feels like work.  Anything worth anything does though, doesn't it?

MAN!!!! I have been in PAIN!! We had to move up my teeth extractions up a week.  This Friday.  . n. At least they will knock me out.  Also, we have the $ for one ticket.  We are gonna hang on till Tuesday so we can get both at the same time.  Mail order.  Save us enough money for another box of MRE's.

Things are a bit tense.  $ ALWAYS is in a marriage.  Built into the contract I think.  Wife and I had to work out some issues.  Note to self:

"Never offer a piece of yourself aas a punching bag for the release of frustrations.  She is ALWAYS stronger than you remember."

I can't wait to get away from the drama and politics at work.  Some Egos are so large, they either bump you out of your desk chair when they walk by or threaten to suffocate you by sucking all of the oxygen out of the room and into their combustable personality.

I've got my own personal "Axis of Evil" going on where one person plays North Korea by constantly threatening to drop dama nukes, but won't tell you why, the other talks out of both end of his mouth like an Iranian diplomat (and many American diplomats as well), and the 3rd is like Iraq.  Out for money and prestige and willing to sacrifice YOU for it, but NOT make the sacrifices himself.  Enough about work!  Someone might read this and connect the dots.  Talk about my own personal World War 3!  It's like dealing with children who are convinced they know better than you and never admit mistakes even when you do.  ANYHOO......

Lots more to think about and ponder.  We finished another documentary about the 2002 Burning Man.  It was informative.  Done watching.  Time to start doing!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

145 And A Wake Up......

I think I"ll take a pass on tonight.  Personal reasons.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

146 And a Wake Up......

Well,  the guy buying my scooter didn't quite have the $600 he said he would.  More like $150.  After stewing on it for a few hours, I thought a better hold amount would be $300. At least ONE ticket can be secured that way.

It's a shame that the event costs anything, but the organizers feel the same way.  There is just no way logistically or logically they could pull it off without the kinda of $ they ask for for tickets.  Seperates the wheat from the chaff, to borrow an ancient phrase.

Well, news about me.  I went to the dentist today.  1st time since 1993.  I have to relinquish 5 teeth to the grinning, bearded tooth fairy.  Not as difficult a task as I thought I would be tasked with.  My two lower wisdom teeth are coming sideways.  The top two are growing down like stalagtites to fill the the cavern yawning below them.  Finally, I have one tooth where a 1/3 of it decided to take a vacation to Fiji, permanately.  The tooth fairly wanted to put me in his vinyle chair this Friday!!  I had to take a rain check for the 30th. 

Whew!  So I type to you now on my anti-anxiety pills, hydro-codone for the pain, and a few, refreashing Widmar Drifter Pale Ales.  I wonder how many people are less than normal who do this sort of thing?  Falling on your sword and spilling your guts is embarrasing enough on the battlefield, but to do it voluntary on the internet like this is sorta like taking a large kite to the edge of a sea-side cliff in a stiff wind pulling towards the water and seeing if you can keep upright.

What the hell happened to the spell check on this thing?  I feel like someone gave me a wedgie and pulkled my pants down in the middle of the hallowed high school hallways typing away like this without a safety net to prove I'm not completely English retarded.  Oh well.  The music on Pandora is good!

I gotta start thinking about power and how we will provide some personal things for ourselves on the Playa, like music.  I would REALLY like to get my hands on some hand drums.  There's nothing like beating your sould out across an animal skin puilled taught over a cavern for sound pictures.

Ok, laters!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

147 And A Wake Up.........

This might be a bit scatter-bained, well see. Not that I'm not usually scatter-brained, just more than usual.

I've been watching a documentary on 2012. Did you know, we are going to have a signiciant changes in our world on 2012? Much like the changes that occured in 2000 with Y2K, and even earlier in 1988 with the 88 Reasons Why Jesus Was Returning in 1988. Take it seriously, because your golden age is at risk here.

Ahh, Netflix, where would I be without you? My soul-mate, my comfort, my tUt-SwEET!!

Anyhoo, I should have my scooter sold tomorrow and then I can get the tickets. After that, it's just planning. I noticed I have gained a follower. To this follower, you know that now, when I command, you can walk on water in my name right? Therefore, WALK! DO!

Seriously, I honestly believe that if YOU believe something completely and totaly you can walk on water. So the gap is the doubt in your faith. Even a gap of a cintimeter is enough of a gap to send you sinking into the water like Peter.

You know, God is cool! When He sees you, He always gives you a hug. The kinda hug you remember getting from your parents when you knew they loved you. Did you know God's favorite game is taking down pride?

There were people there, when I met God in a dream (after asking to meet him 30 years ago), that thought they could do it better. So, God would say, "Ok, now your God." Then we would all sit back and watch (he never had more than 25 from different times and places in the room at any one time). He even did it to me. You know, without the knowledge He has, we all ended up being selfish and botching the game up. Couldn't pull it off. That's because God showed me that there isn't anything, not nailing a nail, not washing a scummy tub, not killing a bug, that He hasn't already done millions of times over. The one thing I know, is that He keeps His promises. He is coming back and has never left.

Why God has me going to Black Rock, I don't know, but it must be a good reason! Laters!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

148 And A Wake Up..........

Kilts. I can't think of anything that would be more comfortable in the desert than a kilt. Check it out: Looks comfy, don't it? Ahhhh, but what shirts to wear? Should I wax poetic and get the poet's shirt or do what I'm leaning towards and get Marine brown T's and re-sole my old vintage Marine Corps boots? I think I should do the latter.

Well, I had to stop by and check in with the buyer of my scooter today. 3 Tiers of the tickets have sold out, so that leaves one more tier. He's gonna give me enough to cover the tickets by Wed or I have to run an ad online. Wanna 80cc scooter?

This guy does and GOD LOVE HIM FOR IT!

Ok, short and sweet. Going to bed early. GOD Monday's are harsh and challenging. Can't wait to have a chilled out Monday in August..

WELL!! Early bed almost NEVER works out. HOWVER, I thought this youtube was awesome! check it out!!v=ArO22tMA7gg

Sunday, April 11, 2010

149 And A Wake

Well, closer every day. Makes you admire the moment more, because if you don't, you go crazy thinking about the future.

We have an art project put together, just working out details with Burning Man on how I need to proceed.

I had to go to the gentleman who is buying the scooter and turn up the heat a little. Since he showed interest, real interest, before I placed an ad, I decided to wait and give him the chance to buy it. I had to give him a deadline of Wed because all three tiers of tickets are already sold out.

Everything I'm talking about is just dust in the wind till I get tickets. Now Tier 2 & 3 are sold out "online" so I'm not sure if that means that they are available through mail order or not, but it would sure help my cause financially if mail order tickets are still available. I admire the theory behind the different tier pricing. It is basically that those who can afford the more expensive ones would buy those and sell those out 1st, but we have been raised in a greed- driven, capitalistic society, so I'm POSITIVE some rich people bought up all of the cheap ones.

Sound philosophy though. Just depends to much on the good-will of mankind. Realistically, it won't happen. Not unless the entire planet suddely learned how to lok out for other 1st, then themselves. "Love thy neighbor" and all that. Such was the downfall of Communism, and will be the downfall of Capitalism in the end.

Well, we have forward movement, and as long as there is movement, there is progress, so with a slight buzz and cheese in the tummy, I bid you farewell, and many happy returns! Laters!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

151 & 150 And A Wake Up.......

"They call me Ishmael."

Perhaps I shouldn't write a novel just yet. The wifey-poo and I were just watching some t.v. together after putting the kiddies to bed. Spartacus:Blood and Sand and a 2003 Documentary about Burning Man that starts 250 some odd days before the event. It's enough to give you a panic attack!!

I mean, REALLY!! They profile all of the amazing people who are working on their Burning Man projects all year round. Spreading pieces of their souls across the desert sand like water droplets on starved earth. WE haven't even purchased our damn tickets yet! Gotta do that ASAP, then we can worry about all of the creative stuff.

We are going to have to go hunting though the fields of flea markets and farmer's market's stalls to find the hollow empty things. She is planning on filling them with something. I can't wait to see what she creates! We have been wallowing in a grave cultural,nuclear-family stagnation for a few years now. Not that it hasn't served it's purpose. It has. We are who we are because of all that.

Wow. I hope I'm not a blogger who spouts self-absorbed platitudes about the proper expression of my soul in a socially biased world. Wow.

That's a catch-22!

That belongs on a T-shirt or something Spray-painted of course. Or just a mantra. Hmmmmmm.

I think we need something like Green Machines or something that is compact and small and that we can decorate with lights to get around with rather than worry about bikes. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so on and so forth. Hmmmmmmm.

Scary to read how a person's mind plays out. Especially in this blogger world. I can type fast enough that the thoughts can literally just appear on the page without me thinking about it. Therefore, YOUR reading my thought aren't you?! Stop it! I need to find my aluminum foil right back.....

Thursday, April 8, 2010

152 and A Wake Up.....

So we have confirmed our house sitter and we have a confirmation on the funds for the Man. Now to work towards the event. Not in a literal walking sense, but in a metaphorical movement of emotion and action. ; )

Seriously. We have started walking a couple of miles a day to prep. My Brandy has come up with a contribution of her own that will be AWESOME and I'm not going to tell you because that would give the surprise away! I practiced some spinning like back in the day in college, when I was the only one I knew who did it. Brandy said it would be funny if I actually invented spinning with glow sticks. I called it visual poetry back then. I want to get good enough before we go that I can actually do fire to music & enjoy it. Need to practice my guitar more also.

So a step ahead. Not every entry will be the well spring of wisdom and insight you have already come to expect, but a step forward none-the-less! I actually have quite a bit more I would like to talk about, but it is late & tomorrow is Friday, so I can stay up as late as I want & write a frigging novel if I want. Till then,....Laters!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

153 and a Wake Up

Just to let you know, I have been sick all day. Dry heaves since morning and no where to go. What do you do when you are the only one who can do your job, and no one can do it if you leave, and if you leave you will return to a nightmare the next day?

Ahhh! Isn't this the very reason for Burning Man?! We have to disconnect somehow,someway, for sometime. There is something wrong with a culture that bothers you physically like that. I could have left. Life is about choices right? I could have chosen to go home, lay down, and rest.

However, life is about consequences as well. Since no one could have done my job, I couldn't have rested, because the phone would not have stopped ringing, and when tomorrow came, if I felt better, everyone would have looked slant-eyed at me.

You know the look. The one everyone gives you when they don't REALLY believe your ill? You know I'm right! Unless your laid up in a hospital racking up a nice super-sized bill, no one ever TRULY buys that you are ill and can't work. They all ask, "Are you feeling better?", when what they really mean is, "I wanna hear the lame excuse you have for not being here."

So there I am all day, toughing it out like a TRUE lumberjack. Dry heaving and all. To take care of our drivers and my co-workers. Whether they hate me or not. Silly really. But then again, no one will really understand that till they wake up. Problem with THAT is the wake up I'm talking about is dying. Not many rushing to that door to see what's behind the curtain. Is it a new car? Is it an empty box? Or is it????

Anyway. Time to move on. I gotta get some rest. I feel sucky!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Officially 154 and a wake up.....

I'm up late. The thoughts in my mind floating on the sea foam of possibility. We certainly don't have the funds to express ourselves in the way way that we optimally could, but we will have to satisfy ourselves with the best we have to lay upon the altar of faith.

Brandy and I had a discussion about whether this is an US project or a ME project. I hope desperately that it is an US project and and not an I project. All I can think about when I make that statement is,"Don't' be a ME, ME recruit" as my drill instructors use to say. In Marine speak,that means you are outside of the norm and do not conform to the team or community. What IS community? What is self-discovery and is it something that excludes your mate or is is it something that increases your understanding of each other?

You know. I have had some really good friends that have faded into the distance. I have never been able to put my finger on it, but I feel like if I could get them reading this and perhaps to the event itself, then some healing on a grand scale would occur. Surely that's optimistic on my part, but what can it hurt? For those of you I have wounded, I am truly sorry. I crave the opportunity to connect on levels I have felt, but never completed. Till the next need....Laters!

Monday, April 5, 2010

155 And a Wake Up..

When I got to boot camp back in August of 1991, the 1st thing you learned was that you have 89 days and a wake up before you were a U.S. Marine and free to be "the Few, The Proud, The Marines!". Hell. We all bought into the knighthood or we wouldn't have been there in the 1st place.

My point in telling you this is that from that moment on, time devolved into that backwards count of 75 and a wake up, 52 and a wake up, 21 and a wake up, then finally, you Wake Up!

You put on your polished leather shoes, your bright white gloves and cover, and all of the golden eagle, globe, and anchors and present your new form to the rest of the world. Those who really mean anything are there to experience your transformation from what you were to what you have become. That is what this is. Dramatic sounding ain't it? Problem is, my life have a been shaped and formed by catharsis:

1.the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music.
a.psychotherapy that encourages or permits the discharge of pent-up, socially unacceptable affects.
b.discharge of pent-up emotions so as to result in the alleviation of symptoms or the permanent relief of the condition.

(thanks to

This is and isn't what I want to have happen at this event. I want release, that is for sure. I want to open up to possibilities, but I don't want to break myself down as I have in the past. That tends to be more destructive that productive. It's literally walking the razors edge when you come to it.

I mean, let's address our fears for a MOMENT. I'm not very young anymore and neither is my wife. We both wheeze a bit at too much exertion. We have both put on a few more pounds since we have met. There will be a LOT of YOUNG BUCKS AND DOES prancing around the desert with their ever present promise of the future, and youth fullness, and strength.

I'm friggin' 37 and my wife isn't too much younger! We have to define ourselves and search within souls to see what's really beneath the facade and work-a-day ritual that younger people have not yet bound themselves to heart and soul. I struggle with it every day. Putting on the mask to keep the reality everyone accepts real. To play the game of life till we are called back to accounts for how we played it. Were we nice to the other kids in this life? Did we seize opportunity or let the bad decisions weigh us down into a tar pit of self-doubt and pity? Creating what my wife believes is our own living hell. She literally believes that we are already IN hell and that it's our job to work our way out. How's that for deep!?

Anyhoo, I don't want to leave any loose ends on the mother topic I left off before Easter Holiday. A metropolis is a/the "mother city" or cities that define a culture , or an ideal (as was in Plato's case), or the birth of a new culture in a new area through the use of colonies in the ancient world. What does this mean to you? How can you express and define the mother cities of your culture? How can you express the themes that dominate your experiences with "metropolis"? Many questions to stew on. Speaking of stew, mine is on (in my head)....time to forge on into the next day.....laters and 155 and a wake up!! See you there!! Better yet, see me there!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day Four

Today, let's start with a study of the word "metropolis", the history, and then move into the direct and indirect "themes" that evolve from both the ancient and modern uses of the idea itself. From there, I hope to move us into a more directed conversation on the merits of differing participant activities we can engage in while at Burning Man. The amount of understanding we have of these concepts will have a proportional affect on the experience we have at the festival.

Metropolis is derives from the greek, "mee-teer", meaning "mother" and "pole-is", meaning city or town. Literally, mother city. Let's break it down even into more basic parts.....tomorrow. WHEW! Having a family sure can distract when your trying to research and type. Not the family so much as their ages. 3 & 5. Well, till next time.....laters!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day Trois

Well, talk about a heavily spiritual day. Of course that came after the hunt for MRE's, watching people entirely blitzed into another miserable reality unable to accomplish the simple act of pulling themselves 3 feet up the embankment while their sober friend looked on.

The churning disquiet in my heart forced me to ask the sober one standing there, who, on occasion, was kicking them, presumably to see if they were still alive if they were going to be alright. Something about the fact that they were soaking wet in 45 degree weather and an hour of failure to climb out of that 3 foot embankment. What can I say? I'm a softy.

Their sober friend abandoned them while one staggered up to the parking lot and proceeded to attempt to entering various parked vehicles (some with people in them) while he swayed around and dry heaved. These guys couldn't have been older than 20 tops. I had to do it. I had to call the cops. It took two officers just to pick up one up and take him to safety. Hope he didn't get hypothermia. It was at a skate park and all of the other kids and teenagers were just laughing and taking pics of the poor saps. No one else called for help.

That gets me to my theme that ties into the Burning Man them. Metropolis. Is this what cities do? Do they desensitize you from those all around you? To their plights and pains? Is our remote control culture creating remote control emotions? Lot's to stew on in my loopy head, but it is late, and I have a warm bed waiting for me to defile it. ; ) Till the next pondering.....laters!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


As you might have noticed, I had about 3 or 4 entries in Hindi. I'm not sure exactly how that occurred, but perhaps there are some Hindus out there that are really interested in Burning Man. You never know.

Today I looked up MRE's (Meals-Ready-To-Eat). I got a lot of experience with them during my time in the Marine Corps. I loved them to be honest. Just surprising that they are so expensive in the civilian world. They gave it to use in the service and yet, out here in the real world. They are $80-$100 bucks for a box of 12!

I have often missed the Marines. I went through a bad divorce at the end and even when given the opportunity to stay, I left. My reason for being there was gone. Odd how life creeps up on you like that. I have to miss it, or I wouldn't dream about being back in so often. Perhaps it was the simplicity of it all. I didn't have to make any decisions. They were all made for me. All I did was funnel the decisions downward. Anyhoo!!! I digress from Burning Man.

The discussion on the table now is what will our theme be? The overall theme is "Metropolis". So I put out the idea of the 1st metropolis, Rome. My friend said, "no, it was in Greece. Athens. Or even Sparta." My Love went even further back. She said, "Babylon". Hard to argue with that. Now to stir the pot and see what floats to the top.

This is going to be what we make of it. I can have to much expectation because I have to much expectation of what we will get out of it, but I will only get out of it what I expect and put into it. I am determined to make this the 1st thing since the Marines that I have seen all the way through. I think I let my failed marriage colour my life in that regard. If I couldn't keep that together, how can I keep anything together? I hope to work through those themes and expose them for what they are on this journey. We'll see. Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter. Till tomorrow and a more eloquent mind frames, laters!




Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day One (exactness to come later)

Well, we have decided to go to Burning Man. This is an enterprise that I have DREAMED of since the mid-'90's. Within a week, I got my wife's consent, found a house/babysitter for a week, gotten vacation approved, and am about to sell my 2008 Zuma, 80cc Zuma scooter to a dude I met at a liquer store who is a scooter fanatic for the cost of the vacation. Now I'm watching all of the opinionated youtube videos to get a sense of what we need to take. How we need to prepare, and how we want to be participants.

Spirituality is a funny thing. It opens doors when you are on the right path and slams them shut when you aren't. If anyone is out there and is interested, read this. I'll give you the low-down straight from the neo-hippie mouth. I've got a lot a wanna get out. The hope, the pain, the struggles, and the dream. Ah! The dream! Let me know if you see it too. Signing off day one.